As much as the guy is grimacing, trying desparately to pull out whatever weed that is, I think this drawing portrays great vibes. It shows the lush foliage, abundant vegetables, and great joy being able to show the huge tomato!
This is a depiction of our garden, and I have drawn a lot of depictions of our garden. I just think this captures the feeling. Our garden is a big part of our summer. Every winter, about now, Chris starts pulling out the garden catalogs, and figures out what to order and puts together a planting layout for when the snow thaws. Whenever we have a warm spell, she thinks it is time to plant again. As much as I bitch about it, I do actually enjoy the gardening part of it. It's the moving of rocks that gets to me more than anything. And our yard is full of rocks!!! Give me a small patch of weeds to pull on a nice sunny day, and I will be quite content. I think it will get more enjoyable as I get older. That's what you do when you retire, right?
You should contrast this one with the make my day cartoon...many sides of gardening?